Change Log
Below are all changes made to the Webvent software application.
[learn_more caption=”March 7, 2016″ state=”open”]
- #1881 MOD: Add Rolodex on Edit > Sites List for large networks (WEF, IHRSA)
- #1885 FIX: Site Profile URL not returning in “Download This List” report (IHRSA)
[learn_more caption=”February 25, 2016″ state=”open”]
- #1877 – FIX: “https://” select list is too wide in IE
- #1878 – MOD: Hide Company Profile Search in top row left of Admin area
- #1879 – MOD: Change label of Network-Specific Categories on Edit > Basics tab (ALA)
- #1880 – MOD: Add expiration date to admin area header of company within a network (ALA)
[learn_more caption=”January 31, 2016″ state=”open”]
- #1873 – MOD: Add company profile url within Webvent to company list reports (ALA)
- #1874 – MOD: Add Twitter feed under Categories in right-side column on Sites page (IHRSA)
[learn_more caption=”January 20, 2016″ state=”open”]
- #1622 – FIX: Some reminder emails still not going out (ATD)
- #1761 – FIX: Cannot edit profile – Production server error: Call to a member function getId() on a non-object (NYSBA, IHRSA)
- #1844 – FIX: Production server error: Call to a member function getBadgesArray() on a non-object
- #1870 – FIX: When Admin previews a webinar email, the subject and message reset to default (ALA)
- #1871 – FIX: Post-webinar emails did not go out (ATD)
[learn_more caption=”January 19, 2016″ state=”open”]
- #1675 – MOD: Add captcha to RFP and modify RFP email to list first contact instead of owner (AAA)
- #1845 – FIX: Update old Skype buttons with presence and call/chat
- #1863 – MOD: Allow web site URL with https for Company Sites (AF, ALA)
- #1864 – MOD: Switch order of “Add a Category” and “Add Multiple Categories” in Edit > Network > Categories > Add Category (ALA)
- #1869 – FIX: Missing “Preview Email” section when network has no webinars (AHIMA)
[learn_more caption=”January 6, 2016″ state=”open”]
- #1854 – FIX: HTML title has “Webvent” after searching for keywords
- #1859 – MOD: Add “Is Member?” column to webinar reports (ATD)
- #1860 – FIX: Cannot send email to webinar panelists from Webinars tab
- #1861 – MOD: Add 2 columns to “Export Orders List” report: Expiration Date and Payment Date (WEF)
[learn_more caption=”December 21, 2015″ state=”open”]
- #1852 – FIX: Trailing spaces break category search filters (ALA)
- #1857 – NEW: Add Google Publisher Tag integration for network-wide banner ads (IHRSA)
[learn_more caption=”July 19, 2015″ state=”close”]
- #1809 – FIX: Spaces added in Twitter handle prevent feed from displaying correctly (ATD)
- #1821 – FIX: New order has “Invoice Date” of December 31, 1969 (WEF)
- #1822 – FIX: Changing the order expiration date does not change the corresponding invoice line item description (WEF)
- #1823 – FIX: Country and State filters missing or not returning correct data on products tab (SCRS Sites)
- #1825 – FIX: Admin instructions stretch to right side on high-res monitors
- #1826 – FIX: Manually change order line item description to remove incorrect date ranges (WEF)
[learn_more caption=”July 15, 2015″ state=”close”]
- #1810 – MOD: Remove “Remember Me” option from signin & pre-populate email from Change Password request (RIMS)
- #1811 – FIX: Link to reset password is not pre-populating username and password
- #1813 – MOD: Increase the maximum number of Documents per site from 250 to 500 (ATD)
- #1814 – NEW: Add columns to Webinars list for day of week, Categories, System, and Notes (ATD)
- #1815 – MOD: Enhancements to Participants Report RSS Feed (ATD)
- #1816 – NEW: Add “Export to Excel” option for e-commerce orders (WEF)
- #1818 – NEW: Add a new action “Edit Dates” on orders list to change the order date and expiration date (WEF)
- #1819 – FIX: Sort fees and payments in the order they were added (WEF)
[learn_more caption=”June 30, 2015″ state=”close”]
- #1801 – NEW: RSS Feed for Participant Report (ATD)
- #1802 – NEW: Filter by Category option for Participant Report (ATD)
- #1803 – FIX: Defect in the SCRS country and state
- #1804 – FIX: Companies with 1 or 2-digit address numbers were showing the number to the right of the company description instead of on the address line in search listings (ATD)
- #1806 – FIX: Error thrown if Participants Report RSS Feed has data with “&” (ATD)
[learn_more caption=”May 31, 2015″ state=”close”]
- #1792 – FIX: Pass 2-letter Country Code to Paypal instead of country name (WEF)
- #1793 – MOD: Remove order archive from “My Invoices” (WEF)
- #1794 – FIX: If editing an order and the system uses an incomplete order, set order_archived = 0
- #1796 – FIX: When you add a new public Contact, the Country drop-down is not defaulting to “United States” (and thus the State list is empty)
- #1800 – FIX: For a small number of viewers, Banners display all ads on home page at once, instead of a rotating slider (WEF)
[learn_more caption=”April 13, 2015″ state=”open”]
- #1331 – MOD: Force browsers to clear cache after new logo or bio photo upload
- #1695 – FIX: Production server error: The template “/deleteAssetSuccess.php” does not exist
- #1785 – MOD: Convert common 2 and 3-letter country codes to standard country names in registration reports
- #1784 – MOD: Use 2-character State code In Paypal and Excel reports
- #1783 – MOD: eCommerce module: Option to approve pending companies from the Orders tab
- #1782 – MOD: eCommerce module: Admin UI to delete incomplete orders
- #1787 – MOD: Allow additional 2 category selection at each package level (Standard = 3, Enhanced = 4, Bronze = 5, Silver = 7, Gold = 12)
- #1788 – MOD: Remove link to Google maps from company address in the directory listing; add a map icon instead
[learn_more caption=”April 2, 2015″ state=”close”]
- #1779 – FIX: eCommerce order confirmation email does not show payment total
- #1780 – FIX: Excel reports remove leading zeros from zip codes, e.g. 07801 -> 7801
- #1781 – MOD: Move PSI “Whitepapers” page into standard list of documents
- #1768 – MOD: Make right-side category list collapsing by group for all networks with >25 categories and >3 groups
- #1331 – FIX: Force browsers to clear cache after new logo or bio photo upload
[learn_more caption=”March 30, 2015″ state=”close”]
- #1773 – MOD: Replace the States free-text form field with drop-down lists based on the selected country
- #1777 – TYPO: Add periods at the end of all sentences under Prepare-Promote-Day of Webinar in presenter instructions
- #1778 – FIX: Restore collapsible category filters on right side if >250 categories and using banner ads
[learn_more caption=”March 26, 2015″ state=”close”]
- #1588 – MOD: Make all webinar registration custom demographic questions “Required” for registrants
- #1775 – FIX: Added a button in Edit > Network > Categories to “Add categories” if the Network has no existing categories.
- #1776 – FIX: Re-sort the order of authors in Edit > Content > Documents > Edit Document
- #1774 – FIX: Should not be able to “Register” or “Join” a webinar unless it is in Active status
[learn_more caption=”March 20, 2015″ state=”open”]
- #1489 – Replace Country form field with select list to improve data entry quality
[learn_more caption=”March 8, 2015″ state=”open”]
- #1706 – Move Category setup from Edit > Basics to Edit > Network > Category
- Display category sponsors and priority placement tiers
- Optional category description to display in meta tags (for search engines) and on the category listings
- #1770 – Option to print invoice as PDF
[learn_more caption=”March 2, 2015″ state=”open”]
- #1767 – Make right-side category list collapsible when more than 25 categories and 3 groups
- #1184 – Option for any admin to add custom image headers on site profiles (Edit > Appearance > Headers)
[learn_more caption=”February 25, 2015″ state=”open”]
- #1103 – Add “Navigation Tabs” module to Edit > Network admin interface – to customize labels and pages
[learn_more caption=”February 18, 2015″ state=”open”]
- #1293 – Optional “Sliders” (Banner Ads) sponsorships
[learn_more caption=”January 12, 2015″ state=”open”]
- #1529 – Add a “Get Listed” process for self-sign up by company profiles
- #511 – Admin interface to customize prices and products offered to sponsors (Edit > Network > eCommerce Settings)
[learn_more caption=”September 21, 2014″ state=”close”]
- #892 – Outlook appointment is off by 1 hour during the 2-3 weeks of “Extended Daylight Savings Time” each Spring and Fall
- #1597 – During first 2 weeks of U.S. Daylight Savings Time, webinars entered in European time zones (CET) are offset for U.S.
- #1704 – European time zones off by 1 hour in the last 2 weeks of October
- #1637 – Modified the webinar presenter appointments to send an email with a link to an “.ics” appointment (for non-Outlook users)
- #1700 – Added the “reset password” instructions to the new Administrator / Contact auto-generated email
- #1701 – Added table pagination on the Edit > People > Administrators and Edit > Sponsors pages in the Administration UI (if >10 records)
- #1702 – Show the site status as “(Expired) Active” if the site is expired in Edit > Sites – allows for one-click sorting by expired sites
- #1703 – Change the “Visibility” and “Status” fields to only be edited by users – prevent administrators from accidentally disabling a live network or site.

#1637 – Modified the webinar presenter appointments to send an email with a link to an “.ics” appointment (for non-Outlook users)

Added table pagination on the Edit > People > Administrators and Edit > Sponsors pages in the Administration UI (if >10 records)

#1702 – Show the site status as “(Expired) Active” if the site is expired in Edit > Sites – allows for one-click sorting by expired sites

#1703 – Change the “Visibility” and “Status” fields to only be edited by users – prevent administrators from accidentally disabling a live network or site.
[learn_more caption=”September 9, 2014″ state=”close”]
- #1561 – Modify the Edit > Sites tab in the admin UI for large networks – limit the number of categories shown, add pagination at 25/50/100 records, allow search for a specific company
- #1670 – Show document thumbnails within company profile sites
- #1676 – Expand the “Position / Title” data field from 50 to 64 characters for registrants
- #1686 – Add an “Edit” button to the navigation menu on the “Products” tabs, as it is on the “Sites” and “Events” tabs
- #1687 – Change the <body> id attribute on webinar details pages so that custom themes can modify those pages
- #1688 – Reduce width of the HTML editor on the presenter “edit view” on the webinar details page
- #1689 – Change the default CSS to round corners of the “Description” section (like the corners of all other modules)
- #1690 – FIX: If a network does not have any document categories, the form UI was broken on the “Authors” section
- #1693 – Modify the page footer to allow for custom footers and legal notices
[learn_more caption=”August 28, 2014″ state=”close”]
- #1064 – Implement new Vimeo and Youtube embed code for greater privacy control and HTML5 support on mobile devices
- #1330 – Increase batch email limit from 100 to 1000, and add instructions to the Edit > Email page
- #1385 – Reverse the sort order of “Upcoming Events” on Edit > Email > Associated Event so that the most recent webinar appears on top
- #1429 – Grammatical editing of the FAQs for webinar presenters
- #1669 – FIX: Webvent video thumbnail under the “Videos” section now matches the default YouTube thumbnail image
- #1674 – Modify Custom Themes in preparation for Responsive CSS (with better mobile device support)
- #1679 – Increase maximum number of sites displayed on a company profile from 25 to >100
- #1681 – On public contacts, don’t show anything if the contact does not have a profile photo
- #1682 – Include a column for “Profile Date Created” (the date a person joined the system for the first time) in Participants and Content reports
- #1684 – Don’t allow HTML tags to be included in the company name field of a site profile
[learn_more caption=”July 22, 2014″ state=”close”]
- #1650 – Allow https:// or feed:// in the Blog RSS feed URL
- #1652 – Added a Content/Document sponsor type, so that Sites can sponsor documents in the Network’s documents list
- #1657 – Added the Sponsor Opt-In message to the Webinar registration page when the webinar has a sponsor, full registration details are collected, and opt-in is not optional
- #1659 – Fixed a conflict between the favicon Custom Theme and images Simpleviewer
- #1661 – Updated the webinar presenter FAQs with grammatical edits and the custom label for “webinar”
- #1664 – Updated WordPress platform theme and plugins for the corporate web site
[learn_more caption=”June 26, 2014″ state=”close”]
- On the public view, “Blog” was changed to “News” (#1214)
- On any person’s profile page, under Webinars, we added new labels under “Role” for “Attended” and “Viewed Archive” (#1573)
- We also added a section for “Documents” with roles of “Author” or “Registered” (#1649)
- On Edit > Reports, we made the new section “Content Reports” available to all administrators (previously was released in “Beta”) (#1647)
- On Edit > Content > Documents, we added “Authors” under each document (#1649)