Getting Started for Company Profile Administrators


Basic Instructions for Accessing your Company Profile


If your company is listed in a Buyers Guide, and you want to make changes to the content of your listing, then you can access the ‘Admin Area’ of your Company Profile if you have access rights. All company profiles have at least one Administrator with access rights. This can be someone from that specific organization or the owner of the Buyers Guide.


Sign In with your email address

Go to the Buyers Guide and Search for your Company Profile by entering (part of) the company name in the Search box and clicking on the Search button. If you are the Administrator of your Company Profile you can access the admin area of your site. To access the admin area of your Company Profile you have to Sign In first. Click on ‘Sign in’ in the top right corner of your screen. Use you email address and password to sign in.


First time Sign In: Request a new Password

If you are the Administrator of your Company Profile and you are signing in for the first time (and you do not have a password yet –or you simply forgot it) you have to request a password. Click on ‘Sign In’ in the top right corner of your screen. A new window will open where you can enter your email address and password. At the bottom of that window click on the link ‘Forgot Password?’

A new window will open where you enter your email address, and then click on the ‘Request Password’ button. Your new password will now be generated automatically and send to the email address you entered.

Edit This Company Profile

After you Sign in you can access the Admin Area of your Company Profile to make changes to the content. Go to the Buyers Guide and search for your Site. After your Company Profile is loaded – and If you have access rights to your Company Profile – then a menu item ‘Edit This Company Profile’ will appear. Click on that to enter the Admin area of your Site.

If you do not have access rights please contact the owner of the Buyers Guide.


Admin Area

After you access your Company Profile you will see a grey menu on top of the admin area, which leads you to windows where you can maintain content: Basics, Appearance, Content, etc. Review your Social Medial channels under the Basics tab for example. And don’t forget to Click SAVE at the bottom of your screen after you make changes!

See other parts of the knowledge base for specific instructions for making changes to the content of your Company Profile.


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